ECW 30: How long is this Cromwell thing going to last, anyway?

Cromwell decides in favor of Baltimore’s proprietorship in Maryland, Virginia works to subvert English puritan leadership and reinstall a royalist government, Bermuda has its first slave revolt, and Barbados foreshadows Revolutionary War sentiments by opposing taxation without representation. Full Text While Independent Puritans tried to process and understand the course their revolution was taking, Royalists Read more about ECW 30: How long is this Cromwell thing going to last, anyway?[…]

ECW 27: Witch trials in the Devil’s Isles

Featuring an elk that decided to bugle during my recording, this episode discusses the first witch trials in American history. Forty years before the Salem Witch Trials, these happened mostly in Bermuda and Connecticut, with a few in Massachusetts. Bermuda was a disaster, Connecticut had a disaster of a legal system, and over a dozen Read more about ECW 27: Witch trials in the Devil’s Isles[…]

ECW 23: Empire

The foundations of the British Empire were laid as England passed the Navigation Act of 1651, declaring that all English colonies were created by and for Parliament, were directly accountable to the English government, and must trade only with English merchants. It also moved to force colonies who had declared for Charles II into submission Read more about ECW 23: Empire[…]

ECW 18: Declarations of Independence

When she heard about the regicide, one Bermuda colonist said she thought that “They that done it, would never see the face of Christ.”   Introduction   Before we get started, I just wanted to do a little housekeeping.  School begins again next week, and my goal is going to be to do this as a biweekly Read more about ECW 18: Declarations of Independence[…]


ECW 13: A new colony and an end to neutrality

Episode 13:  An end to neutrality   Welcome back!  And, I am so sorry for the delay.  It lasted longer than I expected, but I am so excited to be back to the podcast!  This week, we’re going to pick up where we left off, at the end of the first English Civil War.   Intro     First, Read more about ECW 13: A new colony and an end to neutrality[…]

ECW 9: Polarization, moderation, and the end of the first Civil War

Listen on: iTunesSubscribe on Android, Stitcher and more Transcript Episode 9:  Polarization, moderation, and the end of the first Civil War       Today’s episode revolves around a tale of two colonies, Bermuda and Barbados.  Two colonies with divided sympathies, and two colonies which distinguished themselves over the course of the first English Civil War.  Bermuda, because it Read more about ECW 9: Polarization, moderation, and the end of the first Civil War[…]

English Civil War 6: War comes to America

Listen on: iTunesSubscribe on Android, Stitcher and more How did things ever get so far?  Royalists, and indeed Presbyterians, in every colony were probably asking themselves that in 1644, but nowhere moreso in Bermuda, Virginia and Maryland.  In slightly different ways, but at the same time, those royalist-dominated colonies became the first in the Americas to really Read more about English Civil War 6: War comes to America[…]

English Civil War 4: The worst and most dangerous times (and sugar)

Listen on: iTunesSubscribe on Android, Stitcher and more Welcome back, everyone.  Before we get started, I actually have an announcement to make.  I have always regretted the title of this podcast, for a number of reasons.  After going back and forth, not knowing what to do about it, I’ve officially decided to change the name.  As for Read more about English Civil War 4: The worst and most dangerous times (and sugar)[…]