George Digby’s speech on the Earl of Strafford’s attainder

If you’re interested, I gave a similar treatment to the Earl of Strafford’s execution here and here. About George Digby In 1641, George Digby was the 29 year old son of the Earl of Bristol. He was born in Madrid while his father served as ambassador to Spain, and his father had been a leader Read more about George Digby’s speech on the Earl of Strafford’s attainder[…]

Execution speech of the Earl of Strafford

On May 12, 1641, Thomas Wentworth, the Earl of Strafford was executed.  It was a pivotal moment in the relationship between King Charles and the Parliament he would be at war with just a few months later. Strafford also gave a speech to the Lords earlier in the day. This, however, is the speech he gave Read more about Execution speech of the Earl of Strafford[…]

The Earl of Strafford’s execution speech to the Lords in the Tower

Background On May 12, 1641, Thomas Wentworth, the Earl of Strafford was executed.  It was a pivotal moment in the relationship between King Charles and the Parliament he would soon be at war with. This may not strictly speaking be American history, but it’s very connected to the history we’re discussing right now, and though Read more about The Earl of Strafford’s execution speech to the Lords in the Tower[…]